Canine Kleptomaniacs is game for 2 - 5 players (up to 8 with a simple rule change). It is suitable for ages 7 to 70+ and plays through in approx. 20 mins.
Earning Pooch Points is the aim of the game. You score Pooch Points by doing what comes naturally to all Canine Kleptomaniacs - thieving and hiding socks, slippers, old shoes and anything else that takes your fancy.
Choosing what to collect, when to hide, what to trade (and having a little luck along the way) will ultimately determine your fortunes in this fun, fast-paced, family-and-dog-friendly card game.
There'll be shrieks of 'Get in!" as you swipe Golden Y Fronts from another player's hand, followed by cries of 'Nooo!' as they're stolen back from you before you've hidden them.
You'll thrill at the power of the Ultimate Paw and groan as you're handed the Poo Pizza.
And you'll encounter high-stakes die-rolling-mini-games, bluffing and laughs-a-plenty as you try trading cards with other players ("I'll give you two Sweaty Boxers for a L'il Jimmy's Nappy").
Neat, ultra-portable game box
(ideal for holidays in the tent, camper or caravan)
Box measures 157mm x 104mm x 30mm
150 high quality cards (72 Collectables, 57 Action,
13 Master's Bedroom, 8 Doggy Character)
Game die
Rule booklet
Mr Squirrel and Ultimate Paw of Pilferage cardboard standees
IMPORTANT: Covert Ops is an expansion pack for Canine Kleptomaniacs. Base game purchase required!
Beware the new breed of Canine Kleptomaniacs!
In Covert Ops the rules of engagement have changed.
Trained in covert operations, and with access to the latest gadgets, these 'mutts on a mission' have honed their pilfering skills to the max!
Nowhere is safe, nowhere is sacred, nowhere is off limits!
Get ready for a whole new level of canine chaos as you deploy the all new 'Mutt on a Mission' card, XP cards and Special Gadget Action cards to pilfer and plunder each other's Hiding Places!
Use the new Code Red Anti Pilferage (C.R.A.P) device to protect your Hiding Places, and hope that you can get your paws on a Secure Hiding Place to keep your precious stash safe.
The game box includes 52 juicy new cards and your mission briefing rule sheet.
“An absolutely fantastic game. So good, it even had our 13-year-old daughter demanding we play it more. A game that can tear a teenager away from the XBox has definitely got something going for it”
"This game has literally got us through lockdown! All three children absolutely love it and we play it almost daily!!! Cannot recommend highly enough!"
“Awesome, funny and a joy to play. A really well thought out game for the family...”
“We were so impressed by how well the game worked in this family environment (creating smiles all around) that Golden Ginty Games Ltd have pilfered an award, and the hearts of our players for how enjoyable this game is to play!”
“In short, this is a fast, wild ride that has had our family in stitches and I am certain we will play it for years to come”. (7.5/10)
“I love this expansion! Covert Ops is a must have addition”. (8/10)
Definitely one of the silliest party games we’ve played this year, Canine Kleptomaniacs made us laugh until we cried.”
Click on one of the icons below to see some of our reviews and why we're sure that Canine Kleptomaniacs will become your next favourite family game. As a small business we're super proud of our customer service and the quality of our games.
Quick guide (approx. 5 mins)
Single round play through (20 mins)
We're the Joneses (yes really) - an ordinary family of five humans, and here's Amber our beloved canine friend. Ahh, cute, you might think.
But there's a dark and devious side to our sixth family member. You see, as much as she loves us, and we love her, she is a compulsive, persistent, determined stealer of things.
Socks, pants, cycling shorts, t-shirts, slippers, you name it, she thieves it.
Bored and trapped in our caravan on a wet 'summer' holiday an idea was birthed, inspired by her thieving antics.
"Let's invent a game", we thought, "something we can play as a family, something that will unstick children's faces from their screens, something that will create family harmony, encourage communication, which is fun, simple, silly and endlessly re-playable".
We took the idea to Kickstarter where we were blown away by the enthusiastic support of our army of crowdfunding angels from across the world.
Since then we've sold thousands of copies and created an expansion pack.
We personally pick, pack and post every game, happy in the knowledge each one is going to a good home where it will bring mirth, merriment and sociable fun for family and friends.
Lots of love
Matt & Jo (and Amber)
Yes, you can! You can easily accommodate more than 5 players by changing the way that Hiding Places are distributed. You have a total of 20 Hiding Places to distribute as you see fit. The simplest way is to deal each player a set number of Hiding Places in a round. If you intend to play a single round only, there is nothing to stop up to 8 people playing, if each is dealt two Hiding Places at the outset! You might also choose to introduce a house rule to change or ignore the hand limit.
Use your own 'first player' rules to decide who begins the game (e.g. oldest, youngest, person with the naughtiest doggy). If you have a set (two or more cards of a kind) in your starting hand, you'll probably want to hide as your first action of the game. If not, simply take an Action card, read aloud, follow its instructions and then discard it. Play usually proceeds in a clockwise direction, with each player taking ONE action on their turn.
Everyone has ONE Hiding Place dealt at the start of the game. An additional TWO Hiding Places per player are added randomly to the Action deck at the start of the game.
If you decide to play a second round, you will add a further ONE card per player to the Action deck.
Hiding Places can only contain one type of card (e.g. Basic sock) or related Master's Bedroom card (see Master's Bedroom cards).
You can only hide Collectables cards as sets (i.e. two or more of a kind), never singly (unless and only if you have the Ultimate Paw card).
Sets of collectables are placed face-up on top of your Hiding Places.
The hiding action allows you to hide multiple sets on your turn.
You can swap a set from your hand with a previously hidden set on one of your hiding places or swap sets between your hiding places (e.g. between a standard and an ultimate hiding place).
The main reason for swapping is to exchange a less valuable hidden set for a more valuable one.
You might also temporarily swap cards back from a Hiding Place because you want to combine a previously hidden set with a single card from your hand. This is especially useful if you're collecting the higher value, scarcer Collectables where it is harder to make up sets.
The swap action allows you to swap multiple sets on your turn.
Trading is not counted as an action and can be done alongside the three main game actions of 'taking an action card', 'hiding' and 'swapping'. You can initiate a trade on your turn, and participate in trades on others' turns. You can chose to trade at any point in your turn.
When a Master's Bedroom card is drawn from the deck it is initially placed face-up in your playing area.
If the Master's Bedroom card just has a Pooch Points symbol on it, the card simply stays face up on the table and counts towards your score at the end of the game.
If your card has a Pooch Points symbol and a Collectables symbol, you can choose to either take the Pooch Points at the end of the game OR use the card to combine with other Collectables to form sets which you can stash on a Hiding Place. In this case, the card is worth the same amount of Pooch Points as the number of Collectables items that it represents (e.g. if the card is worth x3 basic socks, it will score as 3 x 5 points at game's end).
You can change how you're using a Master's Bedroom card during the game to maximise your Pooch Points (see Swapping).
The Old School, Sticklepath, Okehampton, Devon, EX202NJ, United Kingdom
Golden ginty games Ltd.
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